Tuesday, October 15, 2013

TTT: Top Books I Was "Forced" to Read

Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, this week's topic: Top Ten Best "Forced" Reads.

Thanks to some Elementary/Jr. High School teachers, I've read these great books:

1. Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare

2.  The Remarkable Journey of Prince Jen by Lloyd Alexander

3. The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin

4.  Catherine, Called Birdy by Karen Cushman

Some miscellaneous "forced" reads:

5.  The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down by Anne Fadiman...read this interesting book as required for a college Anthropology course.

6.  The Plague by Albert Camus...read for a High School English/Philosophy course

Lastly, thanks to my book club (The Btown Booksters) I've read:

7. The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield...great gothic bookish story!

8.  We Need to Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver...haunting!

9. Back Roads by Tawni O'Dell...again, haunting.  The Btown Booksters seem to have an affinity for these types of books :)

10.  Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn...despite all of the buzz surrounding this book, I wouldn't have read it if it weren't for my book club because I was convinced I wouldn't like it (due to others stating that the characters were despicable).  I was pleasantly surprised to be wrong!


  1. A few good books amont your list. We need to talk about Kevin is certainly one that leaves a lasting memory but I also really liked The Plague for the same reason, I will never forget this book.

    Marianne from Let's Read

  2. Everyone's been recommending Gone Girl, I'll have to get to that! In a way, that's a kind of "force" from the blogosphere... Hopefully I'll enjoy it as much as you do =P

    Alicia @ Summer Next Top Story

  3. I have no desire to read Gone Girl, but I did download it to listen to on Audible. I'm thinking I might be more receptive to it that way-?

  4. Ooh I have the thirteenth tale! Can't wait to read it!#!
