Thursday, June 9, 2011

Booking Through Thursday: Own or Borrow?

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This week's question: All things being equal (money, space, etc), would you rather own copies of the books you read? Or borrow them?

Hmm...well if money and space were no concern (which is really difficult to wrap my head around) I suppose it would be easy to say I'd rather own them.  HOWEVER, I'd only want to own the books that I really enjoy...ones that I'd eagerly share with friends and gladly re-read copious times.  No need to surround yourself with unloved books, right?

This is a philosophy I already live by...although, obviously I don't go out and purchase every book I love.  I do try to eventually purchase my most beloved books...both for the purposes of showing others the wonders between their pages and for the chance to read them once my memory of the story has faded!

What do you folks think: own or borrow?  Does this "all things being equal" portion influence your answer greatly?

P.S. - be sure to enter my newest giveaway!


  1. I like this Meme! I'm going to join in!!! Do you host it here?

    ANd I love the question as well! I won't tell you my answer so I can post it to my blog then I'll pop back over and leave you a link :0)

    Love the blog and thanks for the Thursday idea I'm always lost on ThursdayS!

  2. Yeah, it's a fun meme! I don't host it's hosted on this site:

    Be sure to leave a comment there so other peeps can find you!

  3. Yes, all things being equal certainly would change things. My problem is money for sure. Here's my answer:

  4. I’m a big re-reader so I like to own my books which means I have way too many.

  5. I totally agree with you! However, I find that I have little self-control sometimes when I actually enter a bookstore (either physically or online)! My husband has to drag me out of bookstores! I've been known to buy books that I've not read and be disappointed, but it hasn't stopped me yet!

  6. I agree on the owning the books you love and are going to re-read. I find when I own a book, as soon as I'm done I may feel like I will re-read the book.

    I have piles and shelves around of read books and every few months I go through them and re-sort. I have a great used book store and will often trade the ones I have decided I won't read again for credit for more's a vicious circle.
