Monday, January 28, 2013

Towering TBR

I know many of us suffer from the problem of out-of-control TBRs...but when I saw that my Goodreads TBR list now tops 900 I had a slight freak-out moment. 

Here are some recent additions to the NEVER-ending list:

The Passion of the Purple Plumeria by Lauren Willig (yay, Gwen finally gets her own book!)

The Vanishers by Heidi Julavits

Huntress by Malinda Lo

Girlchild by Tupelo Hassman

The Crane Wife by Patrick Ness!!!!

Swimming in the Monsoon Sea by


  1. Towering TBR is the perfect way to characterize mine as well! One problem is that I keep forgetting to go to it, instead of looking for what is new. gaaaah! Still, it's nice to know I have lots of good reads waiting for me if the new stuff runs out! :--)

  2. Ughhhh my Goodreads TBR. I can't even handle it anymore. I think I'm close to 700? Looking at it depresses me. Haha.

  3. Oh, wow, you make me feel like my 300+ Goodreads TBR list might almost be manageable! Of course, at the rate I'm reading vs. the rate I'm adding books, it'll be close to the length of yours in a year or two...

    A question, though, for you and any commenters: Do any of you prune your TBR list? I've taken to periodically skimming through mine and knocking a few titles off the list again. Unfortunately, it's never very many, so it doesn't help much.

    1. Yes, I prune randomly...but I probably should take another look and slim my list down even more - 900+ is just too much! :)

  4. It makes me really happy that you put Patrick Ness in boldface with exclamations. I can't wait for his new books this year. You know I can't get enough of his work!

  5. Sigh... I have this same problem. I'm close to 900 to-reads on Goodreads. So many books, so little time...

  6. After looking at your list my TBR pile just got a bit bigger! I love Lauren Willig's books, they are such fun reads.
