Monday, January 31, 2011

Having Fun With Book Club - Unbearable Lightness

This was the first time I've ever read a "celebrity" book...and, in all likelihood, I would've never chosen to read it had it not been picked by my book club.  I'm not sure why, but I guess I'm prejudiced against celeb novels (maybe because I fear that they may employ a ghostwriter).  Anyways, I'm glad I did get a chance to read this book because it was well-written and extremely honest. 

As many of you probably know...this book is about Portia Degeneres' struggle with her eating disorder and her life in the closet.  I couldn't believe how honest she was...some of the things she admitted to doing to herself are pretty extreme (she also includes photos of herself at her skinniest...quite scary).  I can hardly imagine the strength it must have taken for her to admit to her own self-destruction...we all have our demons and she demonstrated a great amount of courage in fully revealing her own.  Overall, our book club really liked the book.  Our only complaint was that the middle of the novel got a bit redundant (and all of the self-harm can be a bit taxing to read about over and over again).  It was a good, enlightening, and fast read that made me cry at the end (mainly because I was so glad for her that she's finally reached a happy place in her life).

3.5/5 stars.

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